Welcome to Yelkotech’s Guest Blogging Opportunity! We’re looking for digital marketing innovators and thought leaders to contribute high-quality, educational content geared toward industry leaders.

Who Are We Looking For?

Are you an advanced digital marketer with a success and innovation track record? We want to hear from you! Share your expertise in areas such as stunning conversion rates, real-time bidding success stories, or any other aspect where you shine as an authority.

Understand Our Guidelines

At Yelkotech, we value well-researched, smart, and engaging content on various digital marketing topics, including:

– Advanced Link Building Tactics for SEO

– Sales/ Lead Generation

-SEO Tips & Strategies 

– Paid Ads

– Social Media Advertising Hacks

– Marketing Automation

– Advanced Analytics

– Growth Hacking

– Conversion Rate Optimization

-Website Development

-Online Reputation Management

What We’re Looking for in Guest Bloggers

We’re seeking:

– In-depth tutorials and case studies (preferred).

– Original content (unpublished elsewhere) with thorough research, at least 800+ words long.

– Support your content with facts, experiments, and data.

– Ensure your writing is casual and conversational, avoiding lecturing.

– Format your article for readability with scannable sections, proper headings (H2 and H3), and engaging headlines.

– Include at least 2 to 3 high-quality images within the post, avoiding clip art.

– Back up your claims with links to research or case studies.

– Maintain a tone that excites and informs readers.

What Happens If You Don’t Hear From Us?

If you don’t receive a response, it could be due to:

– An incomplete application.

– Not adhering to our guidelines.

– Insufficient depth in your topic or angle.

– Repetitive content or previously covered ideas.

– Topics not suitable for our audience.

Submission Process and Format

Here’s how to submit your content:

1. Pitch your topic and await approval.

2. Once approved, submit your article (minimum 800 words) in Google Docs format.

4. Share your blog to drive traffic and engagement.

Benefits of Writing for Yelkotech

By contributing to Yelkotech, you’ll:

– Showcase your expertise to industry leaders.

– Establish yourself as an authoritative voice.

– Drive traffic and engagement through shared promotion.

– Maintain ownership of your content.

Contact Us

Ready to contribute? Send your pitch or any inquiries to info@yelkotech.com. Become a voice of authority in the digital marketing landscape with Yelkotech!